Alison Brown, MSW, LCSW

Alison was born and raised in Utah. She earned her Bachelor degree in social work from Weber State University and a Masters degree in social work from Our Lady of the Lake University. She has worked with survivors of domestic violence and more recently has provided court ordered therapy for clients ranging from domestic violence to substance use offenses, but Alison’s desire has always been in working with those hoping to grow their family. As an undergrad, Alison was told that this population didn’t exist, so she is thrilled to find an opportunity to work where her true passion lies.
Alison has had many friends and family members struggle with infertility and had been considering becoming a surrogate for years when the opportunity arose to help a family member expand their family through surrogacy. From 2016 - 2023, Alison has been a gestational surrogate for several couples, including a family member. After multiple rounds of IVF, one cycle resulted in a miscarriage which helped her see a different side of infertility than she had seen before. She understands the struggle of medication regimens and the challenge of attending invasive medical appointments, and the difficulties families experience when faced with infertility.